Wednesday, January 22, 2025

9 Important Factors that Affect Facelift Results

Most patients who opt to have a facelift performed have one question at the end of their consultation: How long will the facelift results last? While most cosmetic surgeons can estimate that the average facelift procedure will provide results that last for about 8-10 years, it is important that people recognize that there are many different factors that contribute to the lifespan of the results. As board-certified facial plastic surgeons who have been practicing for years can explain, the following factors can significantly affect how long the results will last following a facelift procedure.

The first 24 hours following the facelift procedure are critical, and itโ€™s crucial that patients who are about to undergo this surgery know what to expect. Experienced cosmetic surgeons find that patients who are well-informed and well-prepared for the surgical experience fare better throughout the recovery process and prepare them for long-term beneficial facelift results.

Important Factors Immediately after Surgery

Important Factors Immediately after Surgery

The following tips will help patients understand what the first day will be like after they have their operation.

Cold Compresses

During the first 24 hours after the operation, a patient can expect to apply cold compresses or ice to their face for 15-20 minute periods every four hours. Patients can purchase ice compresses themselves, or they can create them using frozen vegetable bags, such as peas. This vital process helps to control pain and minimize swelling on the face.

Head Elevation

All patients who have just had a facelift procedure need to know that it is vital for them to keep their head elevated for several days after the surgery, but especially the first 24 hours after the operation. By keeping the head elevated, a patient will be able to reduce swelling and keep the pressure off of the incision site. In addition, patients who choose not to sleep or rest with their heads elevated will likely experience a long and difficult recovery.


A bandage will be applied to the personโ€™s face right after the operation is complete, and they should be prepared to have this bandage there when they wake up. Patients should wear the bandage for at least 24 hours, but ideally, it should remain in place for 48 hours. Patients should avoid showering until the bandages have been removed.

Diet and Health

All patients who are recovering from a facelift operation should enjoy a well-balanced diet every day. Fruit is an essential part of any patientโ€™s diet as it can help reduce the risk of constipation after the operation. In addition, it is crucial to avoid smoking after the facelift procedure, and patients who were smokers prior to the operation should make an effort to quit for good. Multi-vitamins and iron supplements are also recommended for recovering patients.

Rest, Rest, Rest

Above all, this is a time when the patient needs to rest. Rest is essential to the success of the entire recovery and will help ensure that the patient gets the facelift results they were looking for in the first place.

Factors that Affect Long-Lasting Facelift Results

Factors that Affect Long-Lasting Facelift Results

Sun Exposure

Living in sunny areas means you get to enjoy the sunshine throughout most of the year, but this can also limit the amount of time that you enjoy the results of your facelift. Patients who have had a facelift performed by a cosmetic surgeon should wear sunscreen every day in order to protect their skin. The facial skin is especially vulnerable after the facelift procedure as it was recently stretched. Therefore, all patients should protect their face from the sun, even on cloudy, overcast days.


Patients who want to make the commitment to having a facelift also need to make a commitment to certain lifestyle changes at the same time. If a patient smokes cigarettes, it is important that they quit smoking prior to having the surgery performed. Smoking can cause the patient to have significant scarring and is also known to dry out the skin and expedite the aging process. A patient who smokes after their facelift procedure will find that their wrinkles reappear very quickly.


The best candidates for the facelift procedure have already reached their target weight and will continue maintaining a healthy diet and exercise regimen after the operation. An overweight patient who has a facelift and then loses a significant amount of weight will find that the excess skin will start to sag, negating the results of the facelift surgery.


The pigment of a personโ€™s skin will determine how quickly wrinkles will reappear after a facelift. For instance, an African American patient will find that wrinkles take much longer to form after a facelift because their skin contains more melanin. Conversely, fair-skinned patients, who do not have as much melanin, will find that their wrinkles reappear sooner than other patients.

A facelift procedure may be an elective cosmetic surgery, but itโ€™s a surgery nonetheless. Therefore, patients need to be prepared for the recovery process and understand the importance of this crucial period. While the surgeon completes his work during the operation, the patientโ€™s work begins as soon as the operation is over. By resting, recovering, and taking the proper precautions during this time, patients will preserve the work of the surgeon and enjoy their facelift results for many more years to come. Patients who are interested in this procedure and want to know more about the recovery process can set up a free cosmetic consultation today.

The average patient will enjoy the results of their surgical facelift for at least ten years. However, it is essential to understand that both biological and environmental factors will impact the amount of time that you specifically will enjoy the results of your surgery. Therefore, realize that by taking care of your body and being vigilant in the coming years will help extend your long-lasting facelift results. At the same time, if you find those aging symptoms reappear sooner rather than later, you can always have a revision facelift procedure done. To find out more information about the facelift surgery and to get an estimate for your own results, set up a free cosmetic consultation with an expert cosmetic surgeon.

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