Sunday, March 9, 2025

Teenage Rhinoplasty and 5 Excellent Recovery Tips

The most commonly requested facial plastic surgery by the teenage age group is the teenage rhinoplasty procedure. While teenagers across the country are considering many different cosmetic procedures, as the nose is the focal point of the face, many teenagers feel self-conscious or embarrassed about their own noses. They feel that a nose job will help them improve their own self-confidence, which is essential to do during these very difficult years. Professional plastic surgeons are happy to accommodate teenagers and their parents at their practices, but there are several factors that these patients need to keep in mind.

The rhinoplasty is a cosmetic surgery procedure designed to improve the appearance of a person’s nose. This popular surgery is commonly known as a nose job among patients, and it’s one of the most requested cosmetic surgery procedures available.

Talking to Teenage Patients and Their Parents

Talking to Teenage Patients and Their Parents

Leading facial plastic surgeons and experts in all types of rhinoplasty procedures feel it is essential to have both the parents and the teenagers on board for this procedure. The first step is to set up a consultation where everyone meets to discuss the goals for the surgery. It is essential to realize that it is safer to go with a certified plastic surgeon who is an expert in the field, and there are far fewer risks involved.

There are some restrictions, however, for patients in this age group. Most importantly, patients under the age of 18 must have the written permission and consent to undergo this procedure from either their parents or their legal guardians. In addition, there are minimum age requirements to perform this procedure.

Girls must be between the ages of 15 and 16 years old before they can have a rhinoplasty procedure done, and boys must be between the ages of 17 and 18 years old. This restriction is in place because the human nose has not fully formed and developed until this point. Therefore, it is dangerous to have a rhinoplasty done before the nose is done growing because the nose will continue to grow, and the surgery could cause significant structural issues. An expert facial plastic surgeon will determine if a patientโ€™s nose is entirely developed and mature during the initial consultation appointment.

Advantages of Rhinoplasty Procedures as a Teenager

While some parents might be apprehensive about allowing their young adult child to undergo a major facial plastic surgery, it is important that parents note that this is actually an optimal time to have this surgery. Teenagers are more resilient and will not have as difficult of a time with the recovery as an older adult patient might have after this same surgery. In addition, their skin has more flexibility and elasticity, allowing the plastic surgeon to achieve better results than they could do on an older patient.

Prospective patients who would like to have a rhinoplasty performed by an expert facial plastic surgeon should understand that there is a period of recovery after the surgery is complete. The recovery period is a vital part of the process. Patients must take the time to rest and recover properly in order to get the best results from their surgery.

What Can to Expect During Teenage Rhinoplasty Recovery?

What Can to Expect During Teenage Rhinoplasty Recovery?

  • Rhinoplasty recovery will last for about 7-10 days. During this period of time, the patient should take the time they need in order to rest and relax. They will be able to return to their daily activities, obligations, and work within ten days. Do not push too hard during this pivotal time.
  • There will be swelling and bruising immediately following the surgery. The nose is a fragile structure, and the rhinoplasty surgery is a traumatic event. Note that this bruising and swelling will subside significantly within the first 48 hours. Resting with the head elevated at all times will help alleviate the pressure from the nose and reduce the swelling.
  • The teenager will want to have a caretaker available to drive them home from the surgery and help take care of them for the first 24-48 hours. Ask friend or family to help out prior to the day of the operation so that the patient can rest easy knowing that they will be cared for after the surgery is done.
  • There will be a splint on the nose after the operation is complete. The splint is necessary in order to stabilize the results. Most patients will wear the splint for a week. The surgeon will decide if the splint can be removed at the first follow-up visit after the surgery.
  • Teenagers should avoid certain activities for several weeks following the operation. Activities that should be avoided immediately following the rhinoplasty include excessive chewing, swimming, strong facial expressions, drinking alcohol, excess exposure to the sun, strenuous exercise, bending over, and pulling clothes over the head. Talk with the surgeon before deciding to resume any of these activities after the surgery. Don’t want to push too hard, because that can risk damaging the results of the rhinoplasty surgery.

While the initial recovery period will last for about two weeks, some patients may find that there is some residual swelling after the fact. This residual swelling is normal and to be expected. In fact, it can take almost a year for the nose to completely heal after the rhinoplasty surgery.

It is recommended that patients wait at least 12 months before deciding if they are pleased with the final results of their rhinoplasty. If a patient is disappointed at that point in time, they may opt to have a revision rhinoplasty procedure performed.

Teen patients and their parents should take the time to set up a consultation appointment to learn more about this surgery and its benefits. It could be exactly what your teen needs to get that head start in life.

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